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Slow Making, Taking Stock

Jane Frost • 24 February 2025

Sketch book studio and seasonal working


My studio is currently a sketch book, with notes, samples and pieces of work in progress displayed on the walls, this includes the notes for a book that is, of course slowly, taking shape.

A new 12 metre linen warp installed on the rug loom has helped to clear space and remove the dross, because the studio had become a storage space when not in regular use.

Community projects and commissions have to take precedence, so keeping the studio space with tools and materials in good order makes a huge difference to efficient and creative activity.

I am currently aiming for shelves and cupboards with a lot less clutter – it takes time to select what to keep and the value of all the ‘treasure’ I have collected over 30+ years of making. Now I am refining the collection to only include what I know I will be able to make use of.

My work life is seasonal and I am currently preparing for Cambridge Open Studios in July, when visitors will see the studio and materials involved, and work for sale.

This year the items available for sale are likely include materials and tools I no longer want to use, so if you are a maker come and check out my sales tables!

With variable weather, this month I also have been working indoors, with my very patient tech support team, to update and refine the website for 'Fair Trade: Material Matters'. If you haven't seen it before please take some time and feel free to give feedback, it is always a work in progress! This international project has been shown in a wide variety of venues and includes people of all ages.

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